Scandinavian meaning: bittersweet, as in a bittersweetly wanted child; The star of the sea.
Italian meaning: Mine.
The meaning of the name “Mia” is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available.
Additional information: Mia is a feminine name with three different roots – Hebrew, Latin, and Scandinavian. The Hebrew name it descends from is Miriam, a name that means ‘beloved’. As a common diminutive of Maria, Mia can either mean ‘bitterness’ or ‘loved one’, and the name is also associated with the Italian word ‘mia’, meaning ‘mine’. Mia is a diminutive of Amelia and Emily, and can be alternatively spelled as Miah or Maya. Most of Mia’s foreign spellings come from the original root ‘Miriam’, such as the Arabic Maryam, the French Marion, and the Irish Maura. Mia is sometimes misspelled as ‘Mi’ and ‘Miha’. Mia is an English and Scandinavian diminutive of the English Mary and a variant transcription of Michaela.
Despite its historical use as a diminutive for other names, since the sixties the name Mia has become a popular name for girls in its own right. Entering the top thousand names for girls at 568th in 1964, the name quickly rose in popularity, entered the top ten names for girls in 2009, and was the sixth most popular name in 2014 in the USA. A similar trend occurred in England and Wales, with Mia being the tenth most popular name for girls in 2013.
Famous people with the name Mia include Mia Wasikowska (Australian actress), Mia Tyler (American actress and daughter of Steve Tyler), and M.I.A. (British rapper, born Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam).
The actress Mia Farrow, famous for her role in Rosemary’s Baby, has stated that the director of the film, Roman Polanski, pointed to her pregnancy padding for the role and told her to walk in front of genuine traffic for some scenes in the film, stating that “nobody will hit a pregnant woman”. Polanski had to walk behind her with a camera to get the footage, because no one else would walk into oncoming traffic to film the scenes.
Pronunciation: (MEE ah) Form of:Miriam Celebrity Names & Famous real-life people:
Mia Hamm, American soccer player
Mia Farrow, American actress
Mia Michaels, American dancer and choreographer
Mia Wasikowska, Australian actress
Mia Talerico, American child actres
Mia Rose Frampton, American actress
Mia Stallard, American child actress
Mia Kirshner, Canadian actress.
Considering Mia as a Baby Name?
The first thing you should know if you are considering Mia for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Mia is a girl name.
The name Mia is of Italian origin, and is used in more than one countries and different languages of the world, especially Danish speaking countries, English speaking countries, Hebrew speaking countries, Swedish speaking countries among others.
If you consider naming your baby Mia we recommend you take note of the special meaning and history of the name as your baby’s name will play a big role in its life and your baby will hear it spoken every day. Searching for a name is a very important and fun process as it’s the very first gift you will give to your baby. Many people believe that the name can affect success in life, through their children's working career and other circumstances, so they choose more “respectable” names or name meanings as they believe that the name meaning reflects the personality of the child.
Mia Name Meaning
The meaning of Mia has more than one different etymologies. It has same or different meanings in other countries and languages. The different meanings of the name Mia are:
American meaning: Wished for child.
Latin, Italian Meaning: Mine.
Hebrew Meaning: Uncertain, maybe bitter.
Danish, Swedish Meaning: Pet form of Maria.
Scandinavian meaning: bittersweet, as in a bittersweetly wanted child; The star of the sea.
Italian meaning: Mine.
Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Mia and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Mia and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds. The history and meaning of the name Mia is fascinating, learn more about it. (If you know more meanings of the name and you would like to contribute click here to submit another name meaning).
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Name Mia Categories
The name Mia is in the following categories: American Names, Danish Names, English Names, Hebrew Names, Latin Names, Nicknames or Pet Names, Popular Names, Scandinavian Names, Swedish Names. (If you would like to suggest one or more categories for the name, click here). We have plenty of different baby name categories to search for special meanings plus popular and unique names, search our database before choosing but also note that baby name categories designed to help you and not to be an influential factor when choosing a name. Instead, we recommend that you pay a greater attention to the origin and meaning of the name Mia. Read our baby name articles for useful tips regarding baby names and naming your baby. If you are thinking of giving your baby the beautiful name Mia, spread the love and share this with your friends.
Popularity of the Name Mia
Below you will find the popularity of the baby name Mia displayed annually, from 1880 to the present day in our name popularity chart. Hover over or click on the dots that represent a year to see how many babies were given the name for that year, for both genders, if available.
Mia Boy Name Popularity Chart
Mia Boy Names given
Mia Girl Name Popularity Chart
Mia Girl Names given
Note:The data above is from the Social Security Administrator of United States, (more info here) from Social Security card applications for births in US for every name, from 1880 up to the present year. The gender associated with the name might be incorrect, as the data presents the record applications without being edited for errors. The name's popularity and ranking is announced annually, so the data for this year will not be available until next year. The more babies that are given a name, the higher popularity ranking the name receives. For names with the same popularity, the tie is solved by assigning popularity rank in alphabetical order. This means that if two or more names have the same popularity their rankings may differ significantly, as they are set in alphabetical order. If a name has less than five occurrences, the SSA excludes it from the provided data to protect privacy.
If you’re not sure yet, see our wide selection of both boy names and girl names all over the world to find the ideal name for your new born baby. We offer a comprehensive and meaningful list of popular names and cool names along with the name's origin, meaning, pronunciation, popularity and additional information.
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Do your research and choose a name wisely, kindly and selflessly.
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One Comment
October 7, 2022 @
8:53 am
My granddaughter is Myah. Pronounced My-ah. No meaning found in the listed names. Similar to Mia?
October 7, 2022 @ 8:53 am
My granddaughter is Myah. Pronounced My-ah. No meaning found in the listed names. Similar to Mia?